Nostalgia for the 80’s -Music and gardens

I grew up in Herefordshire in the 1980’s. I didn’t appreciate it at the time but it was a golden age for music and also represented a special time for me in my discovery of the joy of gardening.

I catch myself talking to work colleagues who were born decades after I had left school and think to myself that I sound like a grumpy old man. I tell them that the music all sounds the same now and that the music when I was a teenager was incredible. They normally do that rolling of the eyes thing and I know that they have already stopped listening. It doesn’t matter, I know that I am right, it is the birth right of the young and uninitiated to ignore the wisdom of the old. I remember thinking that anyone over the age of 30 was ancient and irrelevant. Now is the payback, I get to be old and irrelevant to the youth of today.

I have such wonderful memories of the music and gardening, in the 80’s there was no digital music, no streaming service, no internet. If you wanted music you either listened to it on the radio or you went to a record shop and bought a single or an album. There was the option to record music directly from the radio onto tape and remember recording the chart rundown every week with my sister. If there was someone you were romantically interested in you made them a mix-tape of your favorite songs.

I am sticking to my view about the music and I realize how wonderfully spoiled we were. This was the age of global superstars, with the likes of Prince, Queen, David Bowie, Tina Turner, Kate Bush, The Eurythmics, Michael Jackson, Abba, The Clash and Dire Straights. I could continue the list but you get my point.

I have always been passionate about 2 things, the love of plants and the love of music. Music is the photo album of my life and gardening the calming, soothing and grounding elixir.

My interest in gardening started on a farm, where we rented the farm house. It was called Green Farm, and had a good-sized garden. I am really a lover of beautiful flowers but I remember that the first thing that I grew as a 12-year old child was a crop of potatoes. It wasn’t until we moved into a new home that I developed my love affair with flowers.

The house was in a village called Peterchurch, in the Golden Valley and had a front and back garden. The back garden had previously been a vegetable garden and to the front of the house was a straight, central path flanked on either side by grass. I removed the grass and dug a meter-wide bed on either side. I grew Lupins and delphiniums from seed and whilst these were growing on, I heaped half a meter of horse manure on the bare soil. Luckily there was a riding stables just around the corner, it was close enough to wheelbarrow manure directly from the stables to the garden.

Once the manure had leached some of its goodness into the soil I forked it over, gently mixing the Herefordshire Red Marl soil with the horse manure. I then placed the pots on the soil until I had an arrangement that I liked and then planted them, keeping them well watered all summer. As a novice gardener, I had no idea what I was doing but just kind of went with the flow. Luckily, nature did its thing and I was rewarded with the most glorious display of tall delphinium flowers that seemed to be constantly filled with bees. I was hooked, I have had times since then, when life has just got in the way of gardening and my soul has suffered from deprivation.

I feel at the moment,as I hurtle towards 60 at an alarming rate, that I am coming out of a long winter in my life and am filled with the joy and hope of new possibilities and an emotional and spiritual rebirth. I treated myself to a record player recently and I have rediscovered the absolute joy of handling and listening to records. As I write this I am listening to the Nora Jones Album “Come away with me”, crackles and all. When the rain eases off, I will go to the greenhouse and inspect the pots of delphinium seeds that I set 3 weeks ago, hopefully searching for the first signs of life.

For those of you that have grown plants from seed before, you will know how wonderful it is when the first seeds start to germinate.

As part of my delphinium obsession, I am collecting the seeds of as may varieties as I can find, which I will sow and incorporate into my delphinium collection. Some old varieties are already hard to find but I will keep searching, in the hope of growing and preserving them for future generations. I will take cuttings (mostly crow bud cuttings) from next year so that these wonderful varieties can be shared with other gardeners.

Here are some pictures of last year’s flowers, the flower spikes are always smaller in the first year and for delphiniums to do really well they need to be planted in the ground about 1 meter apart and staked.

I am looking forward to seeing how well they do this year and by how much I can increase the collection of these wonderful plants. I find that if they are kept well watered they are healthy and robust and attract lots of bees and other pollinators.

4 month old plants (2023)
Delphinium Cobbalt Blue

If you are looking for good companion plants, I would suggest peonies, Phlox, and roses. You can also dry the petals to make confetti or cut the stems to create the most beautiful flower arrangements. Due to their height you need a big vase, on the floor, against a tall plain wall.

If you have any questions, please send me an email and if you have any older varieties let’s do a plant or seed exchange.

I wish you all a wonderful Spring, get out there and feed your plants and your Soul.

Bushier, healthier plants and an extended flowering season

How do you create bushy and healthy plants, especially when growing from seed?

Many plants, both annual and perennial benefit from having their tips removed.

Although this seems like a counter-productive thing to do, it will produce wonderful results.  Let’s take an example, you have grown sweet peas and delphiniums from seed and you have a  tall and leggy, single-stemmed plants.  Now the number of flowers that will be produced will be limited by, amongst other factors, the number of stems that the plant has. So there needs to be a way of encouraging the plant to produce more stems, resulting in a bushier plant that has more flower-bearing stems.

This seems logical right? The goal of all plants is to produce flowers that will be pollinated by bees and insects which will then turn into seeds.  If you remove the tip of a single stem the plant will be triggered to produce more flower-bearing stems so that it can accomplish this goal.  This is also why dead-heading spent flowers before the plant has produced seed will encourage plants to reflower in an attempt to produce seeds.

This goal of producing seeds is also why sweetpea plants will sttop flowering if you let just one seed pod develop.  It is not flowering for our pleasure but as part of the desire to produce seeds and reproduce.

What will most likely happen after you have nipped out the tip of the stem  is that the plant may sulk for a little while before producing the new stems and side-shoots.  This is nothing to worry about, just give the plant a good feed and keep well-watered.

The Chelsea Chop

This is done in late May and involves  cutting back the taller perennials by half or a third,  The aim here is to produce a more compact plant.  This will act to prolong the flowering season, its name is derrived from the timing of the famous Chelsea Flower show in London.  Using the Chelsea Chop method delays the start of flowering by about 4-6 weeks.

Good candidates for this method of pruning are Echinaceas, Heleniums, Rudbeckias, Phlox, Delphimiums and Helianthus.  

The cutting back of all plants (trees included) promotes a period of vigorous growth.

This is often seen when fruit trees are pruned at the wrong time of year.  Fruit trees should only be pruned when they are dormant.  When they are pruned when they are in active growth, they will react by producing abundantand and unwanted growth. These are referred to as water shoots and are not fruit baring.

One option to prolong the flowering season, rather than just delaying when it starts is to leave some plants to put on their show by not cutting them back at the end of May and giving others the Chelsea Chop treatment.  I think that it is best to experiment but I would only do this with perennials, this is not for annuals, biennials, shrubs or trees.

Some perrenials will produce a second set of flowers after removing the spent flowers but the pruning method varies.  With Delphimiums you can cut them almost to the ground, give them a good feed and they will produce new flower stems but the flowers will not be as big as the first flowers.

Lupins, on the otherhand should be cut back to the next leaf-joinzt below the spent flower.

It is , in my opinion, always a good idea to let some seed pods develop at the end of the summer.  These you can harvest and store over Winter in a paper bag, ensuring that they are kept dry and that the mice cannot get to them.  Tip:  Do not forget to label them with something that will not fade over Winter otherwise you will be left thinking “What are these seeds?”

The collecting of seeds from your own garden is a ritualistic treat.  It reduces the cost of new plants, especially with annuals and it is a wonderful feeling when they germinate,  Just remember that nature is fickle and cross pollination will occur. If you want replicas of your existing plants then you must either take cuttings or divide perennials in Spring before they enter active growth.

Remember to share your plants, we need to inspire our next generation of gardeners and ensure that older cultivars are not lost.


An early Spring – kindles hope of better days to come

According to our records, everything in the Moosbach Garden is about 3 weeks earlier than normal this year. It warms the heart but as gardeners we always worry if it is too early, will it turn cold again and damage the Magnolia blooms? We love Magnolia blooms and have many varieties in our garden, mostly unique crosses and the first time a unique cross flowers is exciting, we wait to see how the cross has worked, if the flower an improvement on the parents or is it nothing special? Did you know that Magnolias are polinated by beetles? It is a very interesting family of trees and old, old, old, dating back to prehistoric times.

Spring it would appear has sprung

We have got to that stage with the Moosbach Garden where most of the big projects are completed and the focus shifts from the grandiose projects to that of fine-tuning the planting schemes and looking at how we add year-long interest, whilst providing a haven for wildlife.

We are environmentalists at heart, and for us, we get as much joy at seeing a fully flowering rambling rose full of bees as we do seeing just the flowers. The garden supports a huge and varied population of bees and insects and the numbers of wild birds that are attracted to the garden is increasing. The joy of creating a garden is multitudinous, yes there is the joy of being outside in the fresh air and getting your hands dirty but there is also a satisfaction in creating something beautiful that benefits visitors and wildlife alike.

With the mild and early spring, where we have daffodils, snowdrops, winter-flowering daphne and forsythia in bloom, we are able to check the dozens and dozens of pots of hardwood cuttings that we took last year, along with the delphiniums stock plants that we grew from seed last year.

The Delphinium plants (shown above) were grown from a mixture of seeds, some from our own garden but most from Dowdeswell Delphiniums. They were fed once a week with tomato fertiliser and the results this year are much better – most have 3 or more stems. You get multiple stems when the plants have been allowed to develop a good healthy crown which is why many expert growers recommend cutting off the flower-spike in the first year, so that all the energy goes into the crown.

Jobs to do now


Where you have a healthy plant with multiple stems, take basal root cuttings, these should produce roots in 4-6 weeks and can then be individually potted on. Where you have weaker plants with single stems, nip-out the leading bud and this will encourage the development of side-shoots. Please see my recommendations for taking basal root cuttings later in this post. Remember, that as a general rule of thumb, delphiniums plants normally survive for about 3 years, look after tham well and you will have healthy plants that will reward you with beautiful flowers, be more resistant to disease and produce more stems from which you can take basal root cuttings

Overwintered, potted plants and hardwood cuttings

Clean out over-wintered pots , this enables you to see what is what, and you can remove any weeds, rotting leaves and give them a good feed with tomato fertiliser, please remember that if you are lucky enough to have Comfrey in your garden, then you can make your own, environmentally friendly fertiliser. Cut back any die-back on shrubs, roses, and Peonies (Trees or ITOH) and It is still not too late to divide perennials such as Phlox before they really get into full growth.

New this year – a cutting garden

We have decided this year to create a cutting garden, they were originally popular in Victorian times where the head-gardener would select the best blooms from the cutting garden for the house every day. If you have the space a cutting garden is a luxurious treat, even perhaps an indulgence but it is something that is gaining in popularity once again.

We are starting with Delphimiums, Dahlias and Gladioli but I am sure that the varieties will increase. The delphiniums will be used as flowers for the house and guest bedrooms but also for taking Spring basal root cuttings to ensure a continuation of favouite varieties. We will also harvest seeds but the offspring will be unknown due to cross-polination. Basal root cuttings will ensure that an exact copy of the parent plant is created. Dahlias are just fabulous, there are so many varieties and forms that there has to be a daily to suit every taste. We will be incorporating a large quantity of well-rotted manure into all of the garden but especially in the cutting garden as dahlias and delphiniums are hungry plants.

Tip: Delphiniums and dahlais do not like drying out, keep them well-watered and staked. If you suffer Mildew on plants is is usually because they are too dry and stressed, keep them well watered and they will reward you with heavenly blooms. We stake both using 3-4 stakes around the outside of the plant, upon which we tie string to go around the whole plant. This allows movement of the flowers in the wind. Never tie a flower stem directly to a stake, it will break easily in the wind.

Cut Back dead foliage on perenial plants and grasses

Cut back the dead foliage on perennials and grasses before the new growth gets too big, trust me, it is much harder to do later on without damaging the new growth. Whilst you are doing this, assess the health and shape of plants and where necessary take appropriate action. If you haven’t already pruned your roses, then you are cutting it fine but you can still get away with it. Cut roses back to a uniform and attractive shape with outward facing buds and this will encourage vigorous growth and a multitude of flowers.

Moosbach Garden Online Shop

Please remember that we have an amazing selection of David Austin Roses for sale on our website, along with gift vouchers for Picnics in the Moosbach Garden and overnight stays.

We will also have a selection of hand selected perennials for sale, including delphiums and Phlox.

Please see our selection here www.moosbach,garden

And finally as promised, taking delphinium basal root cuttings

Quick guide

Where you have fresh young growth and the plant has multiple stems, take a sharp cutting knife and cut the stem below the soil level, the aim here is to get the new stem attached to some hard wood material from the crown. Place in a jar of water until you are ready to pot up the cutting, this will stop the cutting from drying out. Fill a pot with a mixture of potting compost and perlite (50/50), water well and then using a pencil make a hole around the edge of the pot (one at a time works best) insert your basal root cutting , firm the soil around the cutting. Repeat this process until your pot is full or you have run out of cuttings. Water well with a watering can with a fine rose, cover the pot wit a plastic bag, tucking the open end under the pot and place on a warm windowsill or in a greenhouse, Water once a week or whenever necessary and roots should evelop in 4-6 weeks, at which stage they can be carefully transplanted into individual pots. Go on. be brave give it a go!

We at the Moosbach Garden, wish you a wonderful gardening year.

Rediscovering the love of growing things

Delphinium Cobalt Blue
Delphinium Cobalt Blue

I haven’t written anything in a couple of years now but this week I am feeling inspired.

What has sparked this renaissance in all things garden? Well, I am not sure to be honest. The last 2 years, for me, like everyone else have been filled with concerns about Covid, the war in the Ukraine, the cost-of-living crisis and of course, climate change.

I think of all the above it is climate change that has made me realise that we must cherish our gardens and how we interact with them. The global news is so sad and shocking, yet it brings a realisation that time may be running out. It is October the 2nd today and I have been cutting down Gorse plants from our fields, a thankless task to be honest, as they just keep growing back!. It is 26 degrees Celsius today and in honesty, we should be thinking about putting the garden to bed, but the garden has other ideas.

Our roses are flowering again, our one-time flowering rambling roses are flowering for the second time this year and so are our Cherry trees. This is a result of messed up seasons, August here was wet and cold and now it is hot, and the garden thinks that it is Spring. I am taking advantage of this unseasonal barmy weather and growing seedlings and taking cuttings. Due to not having a greenhouse, our windowsills are jam packed full of pots covered in plastic bags (they act like mini greenhouses).

What am I growing? Well, this year I rekindled my love affair with Delphiniums, they are surely the king of plants. Delphiniums add a touch of class to any garden. They come in an array of stunning colours and are adored by bees of many varieties. I once (many years ago) found a man standing outside my garden gate in Herefordshire in England and enquired as to how I may help him. He replied, keep growing delphiniums, he explained that he was a beekeeper and that he had been perplexed by the lack of bees in his garden. He went on to explain that he decided to follow his bees, (to this day I am unsure how one would go about this, but I digress), anyway this had led him to my garden gate and his bees. If that is not a good reason to grow delphiniums, then I do not know what is.

I decided last year that what my life was missing was delphiniums, so I ordered some seeds from England, there is a fantastic breeder in Lincoln, the Larkspur Nursery Please be aware that they cannot ship to Europe but if you are in the UK, they are brilliant. For those of you living outside of the UK, I would recommend Dowdeswell Delphiniums Another great organisation in the UK is the Delphinium Society, I would recommend joining (£15 a year and you get loads of fun stuff, plus tips, advice, and access to their seed catalog in the early part of the year.

When my seeds arrived, I got straight to work. Delphiniums can be tricky blighters and are prone to damping off (this is where the seedlings get fungal infections and die), so here is my method.

  1. Order your seeds and wait patiently for them to arrive.
  2. Buy seed compost, vermiculite, and plastic bin bags.
  3. Fill your pots so that they are about 3\4 full, press the soil down with the base of the next pot (not too firmly) and water using a small watering can with a fine rose.
  4. When the water has been absorbed by the soil, empty the contents of the first seed packet into your cupped left hand and with dry fingers (right hand) place the seeds evenly on the soil.
  5. Cover with a layer of vermiculite or perlite and water again, until the vermiculite is moist but don’t drown the pot.
  6. Cover with a plastic bag, the bottom of the bag should be over the top of the pot and tuck the open end of the bag under the pot. This acts like a mini greenhouse and keeps the humidity high and the temperature consistent.
  7. Delphinium seeds need a temperature of between 17-21 Celsius to germinate and should germinate in 2-3 weeks. Check moisture levels once a week, don’t be tempted to check every day as the moisture will escape and the temperature will drop.
  8. Once the seeds have germinated remove the plastic bag, the condensation on the inside of the bag may cause damping off, it was there to provide the ideal environment for germination and that job is now complete. Wait until the seedlings have produced two sets of true leaves and then prick them out and transplant into individual pots. Remember, the first set of leaves are seed leaves, after which the seedlings produce proper leaves typical to the plant.

What you will need: Seed compost, pots, vermiculite, transparent plastic bags, labels, and a waterproof marker pen.

First, fill a pot three-fourths full of seed compost.

Then use the second cost to firm the soil down, do not press too hard, as you do not want to contact the soil. You want a loose soil structure so that the seedling roots can grow into the soil.

Then water well with a water using a watering can with a fine rose. Once the soil has absorbed the water, open the seed packet, and empty the seeds into your cupped left hand.

Using dry fingers (seeds stick to wet hands) sprinkle the seeds evenly on the soil and then cover with a thin layer of vermiculate and water lightly. Remember to write a label so that you know what you have sown, place the label in the soil at the edge of the pot.

Cover the pot with the plastic bag, the bottom of the bag should cover the top of the pot with the open ends neatly tucked underneath the pot. Place on a plate on a windowsill.

When the seeds germinate, they produce their first set of leaves, these are referred to as seed leaves. Their job is to synthesise light and produce energy so that the seedlings can produce a true set of leaves. Once the seedlings have produced two sets of true leaves they should be pricked out and transplanted into individual pots. Please note that the pots should not be too big, you will need to repot them again as the seedlings grow on and their root systems fill the pot.

Pricking out seedlings can be a daunting task if you have never done it before, but it doesn’t need to be. I use a pencil to tease the seedlings and their roots apart, being careful to only hold the leaves and not the stems. The reason that I mention this is that if you damage a leaf the seedling can produce new leaves but if you break the stem the seedling will die. It is inevitable that you will damage some seedlings, but this happens to everyone.

Hardening off plants. You should grow your young plants on, this can be done in a cooler location than the windowsill where they germinated but the young plants should not be exposed to cold temperatures or frost, the shock will kill them. When the plants are of an appropriate size, you should harden them off. This entails putting them outside for a brief period and then daily increasing the time until the plants are accustomed to the colder temperature, after which they can be left outside permanently. If it is not too late in the year, you can even put them in a cold frame.

It is quite normal for young plants to sulk for 6 weeks or so after they have been transplanted but don’t worry about this, if they still have green leaves they will survive.

When you transplant them up use ordinary compost, seed compost contains hardly any nutrients and is a special medium formulated to help seeds germinate. Standard compost contains enough feed to last about 6 weeks, after which I give them a weekly feed of tomato fertiliser. They should grow on well but if the leaves look a little yellow, it is an indication that you have overfed them. If this happens stop feeding and just give them water and they will be fine.

It is recommended that you cut off the flower stem in the first year so that all the energy goes into developing a healthy, good-sized crown but I will admit to never being able to do this as I must see the flower colour. It is, however, your choice!

Plant care. Delphiniums tend to live for 3 years and are a favourite of slugs. Once the temperature is above 6 degrees Celsius, they start producing new growth, protect them as your conscience dictates! Delphiniums need plenty of water and feed and should ideally be planted a metre apart. Plants should be supported due to their height, either place a support with a grid structure that the plants can grow through (do this early in the season, as trying to fit this when they are grown will only result in broken stems) or support each plant with four canes, to which you tie string which is wrapped around the plant. Never tie an individual stem to a cane as it will snap off it the wind. Once the flower is finished you can cut it down to six inches from the ground, give it a good feed and it will produce a second flowering in September.

Propagation. You have two options here; you can collect the seeds by not cutting off the flower spike after flowering, but the seedlings may not be true to the parent plant due to cross-pollination, or you can take basal root cuttings from mature plants.

Taking basal root cuttings is a straightforward process but should only be done in the second and third years. If you cut a delphinium stem you will discover that it is hollow. You will not be able to grow a plant from the hollow stem cutting. To take successful cutting you need a shoot with a section of the crown attached. In the Spring, when the plant produces multiple stems from the base, simply take a sharp knife and cut down below the soil between the centre stem and the outer shoot. What you want here is a young stem with a bit of solid root material attached. If you are taking a few cuttings, I recommend filling a jam jar with water and placing the cuttings in the jar to prevent them from drying out. When you have all your cuttings, fill a pot or two with a 50/50 mix of compost and vermiculite, remove excess leaves to reduce water evaporation, plant the cuttings around the edge of the pot, water well and cover the pot with a transparent plastic bag. The cutting should produce roots and new growth within a couple of weeks. They can be potted on, when you can see roots coming out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. You can take basal root cuttings in late Summer and early Autumn, but Spring is the ideal time when plants are in active growth.

Here are some of the delphiniums that we grew from seed this year.

For a guaranteed colour it is best to choose seeds from a named variety from either Larkspur Nursery or from Dowdeswell Delphiniums. It also helps to ensure that varieties are not lost. You will not find these varieties at most garden centres, but we will be offering them for sale from home grown plants at the Moosbach Garden. Stocks are limited, so it is best to order in advance. To enquire about reserving your plants please send an email to

On a final note, many people are concerned about diseases, such as powdery mildew but if you keep your plants well-watered and do not allow them to dry out, they should remain healthy. Healthy plants are less prone to fungal infections.

The final post of 2020 from the Moosbach Garden/Garden Pictures of Summer

I often find myself , in the depths of Winter, longing for those glorious days of Summer when the garden is full of wonderous flowers and is teeming with wildlife. I think, as humans, we always want what isn’t readily accessible. In the heat of Summer I long for the cool of Winter and in the Winter I long for warmth but the contrast is what gives one hope, something to look forward to.

Every gardening year is unique

And so it should be, it is stagnation that is our downfall, we all strive for that elusive something, it is what has driven mankind. How many gardeners try year after year to successfully grow a plant that isn’t suited to the garden, to the soil, to the aspect, to the Winters. We endeavour, against seemingly unsurmountable odds and sometimes we shrug our shoulders and admit defeat. As gardeners we make mighty plans of what we are going to do differently next year but we often forget that mother nature has her own plan. The life of the gardener is to plan, to strive for perfection, to grow a more beautiful garden than last year, to produce better crop yields but sometimes the cards are stacked against you and you have to think that maybe next year is better. Every gardening year is a story of successes and failures, of moments of wonderment and awe at the beauty of a flower, at the comforting drone of bees and somehow feeling that you are making a difference.

Symbiosis is self-preservation

As I get older I am becoming a more and more committed environmentalist. I’m not even sure that I can call myself an environmentalist, my sins against nature are too numerous, but I am trying. I often wonder what would happen if we all tried, could we really make a difference to local economies, to the environment. Could we slow down or even reverse global warming and prevent the extinction of yet more untold species?

I wish I had the self-discipline to be 100% committed to the saving of the planet but isn’t that the crux of the problem? We are all so used to getting what we want and are not prepared to compromise, to give up what we want, even if that means that we destroy the planet. When I was looking through my photo library to select pictures for this article I was reminded of how beautiful nature and this planet is, my inner Buddhist reminds me that every plant, insect and animal has its place and has a right to be. I know that I need to do more, that will have to be my New Years resolution. For in saving the planet we are saving ourselves.

The power is in your hands and mine

I have written before about the power that we have as consumers and it is so true. If you are waiting for governments to change laws and save the planet then you will be waiting too long and have left it too late. Look at Greta Thunberg, now there is a person who has raised her head above the parapet but she cannot save the planet on her own. She needs us to step-up and so does the planet.

We already grow a large proportion of the fruit and vegetables that we consume here in the Moosbach Garden. We love it, no chemicals, no road miles and always in Season. Yes, we do preserve much of our own crops for the Winter months but the carbon footprint is minimal. I am going to make a commitment, to you, to myself and to the planet. I am only going to buy produce that has been produced locally, that is in season and that has no plastic packaging, if you like let’s call it environmental shopping. If we change our buying habits then companies will stop producing food in environmentally unsound packaging, if we only buy locally produced items we help to support local farmers and communities.

Here in the Moosbach Garden, we are spoilt. we have enough space to grow vegetables and fruit but not everybody has that luxury, perhaps in towns and cities we need more allotments and community gardens. I think that community gardens are a great way to get exercise, to meet new people, to feed your soul and to ensure good mental health.

What has 2020 taught me?

Well, it has shown me what a fragile and precarious state we are in as a species, we are too dependent upon the import of food and how dependent we have become on supermarkets. Many more people have starting growing their own herbs, salad and vegetables out of a fear that they will not be available or too expensive. Whether the fear is driven by COVID 19 or Brexit is unclear, perhaps it is both but it is a wakeup call. We need to teach our children where food comes from, how to grow it and instil an understanding of the environment, of conservation and of kindness, not just to our fellow human beings but to wildlife and the planet. Teach our children the peace that comes from the non-immediate, from the anticipation of food and seasons to come, of shared experiences with friends and that imperfection is normal and not to be rejected. Above all we should not be focussing on our differences but on what we have in common and how we can help and impower each other. I wish you all a healthy, happy and fulfilled 2021. For those who have lost loved ones, my deepest condolences. This pandemic will come to an end, the sun will shine again and we will heal out hearts and our bodies.

The In-between time

It’s a funny old time, that period between Christmas and New Year when we are supposed to lay dormant and do as little as possible. It many ways it is a gift that should be treasured but for many of us whose lives revolve around the hectic demands of “The Job” it can be challenging.

I have another week to go before I return to work and if I am honest I miss the routine that a working life dictates. This last year has been a hectic one with studying, exams, dealing with 50 plus emails a day, untold numbers of telephone calls and an ever-growing to do list. I really need to work on my life-balance. I will go the the corner of the garden and give myself a jolly-good talking to later.

Walks in the snow

Walks in the snow can be reviving, feeding the soul and providing the body with much needed exercise. I have to admit that our border collie “Luna” is always much more enthusiastic than me. She reminds me, at times. of Mr Schofield, my secondary school geography and Physical education teacher. She just needs a hockey stick to smack the backs of our legs for not making more of an effort and not running at a speed deemed appropriate. I secretly mock her comedy ears as she runs (I thinks that she suspects, a dog can say a lot with a look). Yesterday, I decided to take a different walk from the dog/PE instructor and have some alone time and it was lovely to me submerged in my own thoughts.

We have had quite a bit of snow over the last few weeks and we awoke on Christmas morning to a fresh covering of snow which has transformed our area into a magical Narnia-like world. Please note Mr Tumnus was nowhere to be seen but it was reminiscent of the story as the snow was melting, the tricking of mountain streams could be heard and it was evident that the Evil Queen was no more. It has to be said that I am definitely a Spring and Summer person, I am happiest when the plants are flowering, the bees are busily buzzing around the garden collecting nectar and birds are rushing around finding food to feed their ravenous broods. I turn into “The Grinch” around Christmas time and no amount of inducement will persuade me that it’s lovely and we’ll have such fun, maybe I should hibernate like a bear and re-appear in acceptable society when it’s all over.

What I do admire in the Winter months is natures calm acceptance of this quiet period when nothing much is happening. As the snow melts and the soils begins to warm, the plant life doesn’t get all English and say “oh look there’s a bit of sun let’s put on some shorts”, instead it bides its time and awaits for a prolonged period of warm weather before venturing forth. I have to admit to looking for signs of swelling plant buds, I know, of course, that we have another 3 months of Winter before life returns to the garden but I cannot help myself.

Such lofty plans for next years garden

The internet is awash with enticing offers and my inbox is full of emails tempting me to order wonderous perennials and here in the Moosbach Garden we always dream big. As I have said before, gardens take time, first is the hard-work creating new areas (terraces in our case), digging new beds and planting new trees and shrubs and then the waiting game. Trees, shrubs and plants need time to establish to get their roots in the soil before they really start growing. I read a book once about an English garden and the creator of the garden said ” I wish we had planted more trees and hedges in the first year” and it is so true. We have Magnolia trees that were planted 5 years ago and they are only now beginning to grow in earnest. We are growing more Dahlias and Delphiniums in 2021 and they work really well with our ever increasing number of David Austin roses. I don’t think that my loves of roses will ever fade (unlike the blooms) and every year we add new varieties to our garden. For me the zenith of the gardening year is that special time in early June when all of the roses flower for the first time. This year we are adding a nature garden, where we are encouraging natural wild flowers and grasses, more dense planting of steep areas to create more intimate and secluded garden areas and the new hydrangea and rose gardens should come into their own. Our garden terrace will become more of a sales area where we will have our wide assortment of wonderful David Austin roses that are for sale and we shall be starting with a few hand selected perennials in our shop as well.

Who knows what 2021 will bring but we have to fill our hearts with hope and positivity

It is fair to say that 2020 has been a very challenging years globally and for many people younger than myself (that’s the majority of the population) it is the first time when hardship and restrictions have been experienced. It is so hard not to feel down-hearted by it all but we have to believe that this is a temporary period of our lives, that the sun will come out again and we can start returning to normal, whatever that is.

The power of positivity is a wonderous thing and laughter really is the best medicine. A very dear friend of mine is feeling very down after months at home where all the projects possible in a small garden have been completed. I think that you can only watch so much television before your brain is turned to mash potatoes. I will tell you what I told them, it is a very difficult situation that we all find ourselves in but every cloud has a silver-lining. Why not use all of this time to learn something new, there are so many free resources on the internet. I think it does several things, it engages the brain, it gives a sense of purpose and add new skills and knowledge for the future. For me, everyday is a school day, it’s part of my evolution and one day I will emerge from my chrysalis as a beautiful butterfly. And please spare a thought for people in your community who might be alone right now, sometimes a telephone call can be a lifeline, even if you don’t solve world peace.

So now a little something to tempt you

We have increased our range of wonderful David Austin roses that we have for sale and we now ship products as well. We will be continuing with Picnics in the Moosbach Garden and overnight stays will be available (Corona permitting) but hey we have to hope that this pandemic is over soon – right?

So all of our roses, rose feed and vouchers for picnics and overnight stays can be found by clicking here.

As I look out of the window I can see that it has started snowing again, so I am off to flick though catalogues of plants that I really don’t need but will probably buy and pretend that Spring is starting next week. If you have any gardening questions please send then via email to

The time of seed catalogues, bare root roses and forward planning

The garden has finished its exuberant display of flowers, it is no longer filled with the melodic droning of bees and you have cut back the growth of spent perennials. The air is filled with the satisfying scent of Autumn bonfires and the compost bins are completely full of the ingredients of future compost, that in itself is an investment in the future. The Winter months, when nothing is growing in the garden, presents some opportunities for the gardener. It is a time when you can reflect on the last 3 seasons and cast a critical eye on your own garden and you can look forward to next years garden, for now is the time of the seed catalogue and the bare root season is upon us for shrubs, trees and roses. So crack open a bottle of wine sit-back, relax and peruse those catalogues and websites, one word of caution though, never place orders when the wine bottle is almost empty. If you ever wondered why you ordered so much of that seed you will perhaps know what I mean. I have enough Delphinium seeds to start a national collection.

The smell of Autumn bonfires

There is nothing so distinctive as the smell of an autumnal garden bonfire, the smell is unique and reminiscent of childhood days and of grandparents. Once the Perennials have been cut back and the beds mulched and manured, the produce harvested and preserved, the onions dried and stored, the pumpkins hardened off, the final ritual awaits, the burning of what cannot be eaten or composted. However, if you have the space please don’t forget to leave some habitats for insects and hedgehogs to over Winter under. The future resides in our hands and in moving away from chemical solutions to sustainable garden ecosystems. I always start a small bonfire and add material to it, in this way it is easier to contain and you do not roast any unsuspecting wildlife.

Manuring, Mulching and compost bins

We are lucky enough to have a large garden and it produces enough garden waste to feed our compost piles. We don’t have constructed compost bins, we have huge piles that decompose over a 3 year period and they produce fantastic compost that we sieve and use in the garden. If you have a smaller garden space then you can buy or construct smaller Compost bins or cages, you need 3 for the process to be effective. In the first year you fill the first bin, the next year you move the compost from bin 1 to bin 2, the process helps with the breaking down of the garden waste and in the 3rd year you move the contents of bin 2 to bin 3, from bin 1 to bin 2 and the new material goes into bin 1. In year 4 you have perfect garden compost and moving forward you will always have excellent compost, it’s free and has a small impact on the environment. For the really eager gardeners amongst you, you can also make leaf mould compost, for this you need either a contained wooden bin, wire cage or heavy duty plastic sacks. Simply fill with fallen leaves and cover with an old bit of carpet and wait until it has been broken down by the worms. You can mix both types of compost together and this will give your soil a real boost.

Our soil was fairly tired when we first moved here and we expect a lot out of our garden both with edible produce and with stunning floral displays from April through to the end of October. It’s a big ask. You cannot just take, you also have to give a little in return. We are lucky that our neighbours have horses and every Winter we drive backwards and forwards collecting well-rotted manure and covering all of the flower beds and vegetable gardens with a dressing of manure at least 8″ thick. All of the goodness of the manure is leached into the soil over Winter and provides feed for the plants, improves the composition of the soil and encourages good micro organisms. Healthy soil equals healthy plants, it’s not rocket science. The organic matter that is incorporated into the soil enhances the soils ability to store water and we improve this situation in the Spring by applying a bark mulch to a thickness of 6-8″, anything less is a waste of time energy and money. It reduces water evaporation through periods of hot weather and windy weather, you will find that plants thrive.

Casting a critical eye and forward planning

Magical gardens don’t happen overnight, they take time, energy, money and thought. We change things every year here in the Moosbach Garden, I think it takes quite a few years until you find the final home for each and every plant. Sometimes the plant will tell you that it’s in the wrong place by not thriving and sometimes it will shout out at you every time that you walk past it that it’s the wrong colour or size for where it is. This is normal and you have to take your time with these things, you cannot really expect to have placed every plant in its perfect position at first attempt. One trick I use is to pretend that the garden is not mine (we can be a little precious about our own), I pretend that it is a garden that I have paid to visit and view it as critically as I would somebody else’s garden. But be kind to yourself, if you find areas that just don’t work in your garden just make a note and tweak things.

Part of this review process is thinking about what you do differently next year, about what plants you lift and split, which plants to move and what new acquisitions need to be made. Your post box should be awash with seed and plant catalogues, seeds can ordered, delivered and can sit in your potting shed awaiting the warmer weather of Spring. There are, however, things that need immediate action, trees, shrubs and roses can be ordered and delivered between November and March. They can be planted straight away as now is the perfect time to plant whilst the soil is still warm enough to encourage new root growth without the stress of supporting leaves, flowers and new stem growth. We only plants shrubs and trees in the Autumn and have found that they settle quicker and don’t struggle as much in the first year as those planted in Spring.

The Moosbach Garden Online shop is now open

As you would expect from gardeners who are so obsessed with David Austin Roses we have a wonderful new Selection for you to choose from. As well as the many new varieties that we have for you this year, we have some favourites returning and due to the sheer volume of requests from customers we have added 4 varieties of standard roses all of which are stunning. Bare root roses are available now, as are potted roses. Also don’t forget that we offer overnight stays at the Moosbach Garden that include a 4 course evening meal including produce grown organically here in the Moosbach Garden. Dates are available from December onwards. Next Spring will see the return of the hugely popular Moosbach Garden Picnic hampers, which can be enjoyed in the Moosbach Garden. Gift Vouchers can be purchased via our website for roses, overnight stays and picnics.

So let’s talk about roses!

Standard roses

We have chosen 4 varieties that we know are totally amazing. Gertrude Jekyll (Pink) has the most glorious perfumes and is our top selling rose, Darcey Bussell (red) is stunningly beautiful, Desdemona (White) is one of my favourites with a beautiful form and lovely perfume and Graham Thomas (Yellow) is one of the best Yellow roses around, it has a beautiful flower and perfume.

Climbing roses

We have the following varieties available: Gertrude Jekyll, Graham Thomas, Spirit of Freedom, Strawberry Hill, Tess of the D’urbervilles and Wollerton Old Hall.

Rambler Roses

We have 3 varieties for you: Bobbie James, Francis E Lester and Paul’s Himalayan Musk. Moosbach Garden tip, if you want to attracts Bumble bees to your garden, Francis E Lester is the perfect rambler, is stunningly beautiful and our favourite rambler.

Rugosa Roses

We have Roseraie De L’Hay for you which grows 2 Metres tall and wide, repeat flowers and is simply stunning, if you want a staement plant then this is a good choice.

Bush Roses

Ok, now you may need to buy a new garden to accommodate the varieties that we are offering you this year, there are so many that I am going to list them by Colour.

Pink Roses: Boscobel, Brother Cadfael, Emily Bronte, Gentle Hermione, Gertrude Jekyll, James, L Austin, Jubilee Celebration, Olivia Rose Austin and Wild Edric.

Red Roses: Darcey Bussell, Falstaff, Munstead Wood and Thomas A Becket.

White Roses: Desdemona, William and Catherine , and Winchester Cathedral.

Yellow Roses: Golden Celebration, Jude the Obscure and Vanessa Bell.

Orange Roses: Lady Emma Hamilton, Lady of Shallot, Summer Song, The Lady Gardener and The Lark Ascending.

You can order all roses on line by clicking here. You can collect your roses in person or we can post them out to you.

Why not order a Gift voucher for a rose, overnight stay or a picnic as a Christmas gift.


As the gardening year draws to a close

Rose hips of Madame Gregor Strachlyn

The majority of the jobs in the November garden include cutting back the dead growth on perennials, pruning roses and shrubs, mulching and manuring and taking stock of the gardening year that is fast spent. Many of us have spent much more time at home this year and as a result, more time in r gardens. I hope that you have had time to reconnect with your garden space, that you were able to stand and stare and to see the wonder, not only of the plants, trees and flowers but at the ecosystem that your garden supports

Here at the Moosbach Garden we have harvested the pumpkins which have been left in the Autumn sun to harden off, the beetroot, beans, courgettes. pickling cucumbers have all been preserved in jars, the potatoes and carrots have been stored in a cold cellar in sand. The fruit has been either turned into jam or stored in a cold, windowless cellar and should see us through until the end of February. It feels natural and fitting in this climate of uncertainty to have this bounty stored in our cellars like a squirrel storing hazelnuts for the winter ahead.

There are some jobs that you can get on with now if you haven’t already done them, here in the Moosbach Garden we are running behind with these jobs. Here are some things that you can do now.

Tidying up dead growth on perennials

Dead summer growth on perennials can be cut back and added to the compost pile. To keep the correct balance between maintaining the health of perennials and providing places for insects to overwinter follow these simple guidelines. If the dead growth is likely fall and rot on the crown of the plant then it should be removed to reduce the risk of damage to the plant crown, likely candidates are delphiniums, rudbeckia, echinacea and perennial peonies ( don’t cut back tree or intersectional peonies). It the growth is rigid and likely to stay so then leave it as a place for insects to overwinter, likely candidates are Phlox and other plants with woody stems. Remember that our gardens are mini eco systems and by welcoming this bio diversity we are helping the planet rather than hastening its destruction. Please consider leaving piles of twigs, old branches and logs for wildlife too, it all helps.

Plant spring flowering bulbs and plants.

Wallflowers are one of my favourite springtime flowers, we grow a variety called Persian Carpet from seed. Wall flowers are biennial plants, meaning that you sows the seeds in the first year and they flower in the second. Wallflowers should be big enough to plant out now and this is usually done once you have put the garden to bed for winter. In the UK you should be able to buy wallflowers cheaply at most garden centres and I would recommend the variety Persian Carpet if you can get it for its rich hues of red, gold, orange and yellow. Wallflowers are also an invaluable source of nectar for early bumble bees and insects.

Plant trees, roses and shrubs

Autumn is the perfect time for planting trees, shrubs and roses. The soil is still warm enough to allow for root growth and as these plants are not having to support leaves they can put all their energy into producing healthy root systems. You can buy bare trees, shrubs and roses from November onwards and they are usually a little cheaper than their potted counterparts. For our part, the Moosbach Garden will be offering a wonderful selection of bare root and potted David Austin roses from December. Please click here to see our selection.

Add organic matter to improve soil structure

The addition of well rotted farmyard manure is one of the best gifts that you can give your garden. All of the goodness it contains will leech into the soil and over the winter the worms will incorporate the remaining material into the soil improving the structure and the soils ability to maintain moisture. Find a local farmer or stables and apply a good manure mulch, I would recommend at least a depth of 4 inches. Supplement this feed next year by making your own comfrey or nettle tea to feed your garden. Avoid using manmade chemicals if possible.

Move plants around whilst they are dormant and split any perennials

The best time to move and divide perennials is whilst they are dormant, as long as each section of plants has some root you should have viable plants come the Spring. Moving and dividing plants in their dormant phase is less stressful for plants as they are not in active growth or supporting leaves. Prime candidates are Phlox, rudbeckia, echinacea and peonies.

Plant sweet Pea seeds and Christmas flowering daffodils

You can still plant sweet pea seeds and once they have germinated they can be overwintered in a cold frame and once the warm Spring weather kicks in they will romp away. Christmas flowering miniature white daffodils can be potted up and once they have poked their heads through the soil can be bought inside for flowering at Christmas.

Don’t forget the birds this Winter

Winter can be very hard for our feathered friends, leaving out a good supply of nuts, sunflower seeds, fat balls and water is essential in ensuring their survival. Here at the Moosbach Garden we grow a selection of berry trees to provide Winter food for birds, including holly and Crab apples. We also leave the last roses so that the rose hips can develop and provide food for the birds. They also look great when the garden is frosty.

New to the Moosbach Garden shop

Following the success of our David Austin roses and the numerous requests from our customers we have expanded our selection to include 4 standard roses. We are offering the following varieties as standard roses:

Gertrude Jekyll (Pink)

Graham Thomas (Yellow)

Desdemona (White)

Darcy Bussell (Red)

We only have limited numbers though but you can pre-order both standard and bsuh roses on our website.

Saturday morning garden snapshot

Good morning to you all.  Here in the Moosbach Garden the sun is shining and my heart is filled with hope.  No sign of rain on the horizon so we are keeping a close eye on all of the pots, next week the forecast is for windy weather and this can dry pots and soil out as quickly as sunny weather.

Here are some photographs that I took this morning after breakfast.


Gala Apple Blossom.

We applied a good measure of well rotted chicken manure to all of our fruit trees last Winter and the trees have thanked us with a wonderful display of blossom and hopefully in the autumn, plentiful fruit.


Quince Blossom is exquisitely delicate and beautiful

Quince come in a variety of forms, here in The Moosbach Garden we have 2 types, an apple quince and a pear quince.  The can take quite a few years to get going but once they are fruiting well you can make jam or chutney from them.  The chutney is especially good with game.


Apple blossom

With young trees like this it is best to thin out the fruits once they have set as the thin stems on young trees will not support the weight of too much fruit and may snap.  It is best to give fruit trees a good soak once a week, this is preferable to daily watering and better for the trees.


Cardoons are great for adding structure to a garden

Cardoons are a really good addition to a garden or flower bed, they add a ‘wow’ factor with their spiky leaves and grey/silver foliage.


Viburnham Aurora Carlesii

I can’t think of a more perfect shrub at this time of year, each floret is a flawless work of art and it is worth shopping around and getting one with heady perfume.


Tree Peony Buds

Peonies come in 3 types, perennial, trees and intersectional.  Most people know the perennial varieties that disappear beneath the ground every Winter and then magically pop their dark red buds through the soil in Spring. Less known are the other 2 varieties, namely tree peonies and Intersectional.  Tree Peonies can grown up to 2 meters tall and wide and are a real show piece in a garden.  They have large exotic flowers that grow on the previous seasons growth, don’t be tempted to cut them back or you’ll get no flowers the following year.  Finally there are intersectional peonies that are a cross between the 2 other types, they also have hard wood that stays above ground all year and these come in a stunning array of colours.  For best results fertilize with fish, blood and bone in the winter.


Climbing roses are best trained in a fan shape

Climbing roses should be trained with their stems replicating a fan pattern, think of a male peacocks feather display and you are about right.  The most productive zone, referred to as the goldilocks zone, is from horizontal to about 45 degrees.  When you train the stems in this way they produce lots of lateral shoots (as shown above) and each of these will produce a cluster of roses and create a stunning display.


Olivia Rose Austin

Roses (depending upon where you live in the world) should be putting on vigorous new growth and producing the rose buds for that first flush of flowers.  My tips for success with roses are to feed when the first leaves appear and then again after the first flush of flowers has finished, obviously well-rooted manure in Winter is the perfect solution.  My second tip is to water the roses well from the base of the plant from the moment the first buds appear until Autumn (October time here).  Roses don’t like to sit in water but neither do they like to dry out.  Remember water and nutrients are the building blocks of life, deprive them of either and they will not perform as well.

I wish you all a very pleasant weekend and don’t forget that when the restrictions are over we will be open for dinner, bed and breakfast.  Fantastic food, organically grown in The Moosbach Garden, local wines and fresh laid eggs from The Moosbach Garden Chickens. You can wander around the garden of relax on a bench with a good book.  Overnight stays include pre-dinner drinks, a 4-course menu and breakfast with homemade bread and jams.  To book visit The Moosbach Garden

Also check our website for dates when the garden is open to the public.

Strange Days Indeed, He Mused….


Olivia Rose Austin

If it feels like absolutely ages since I last posted then you are quite right.  I have to confess at not being a particularly disciplined person, I have to be in the moment, in the mood to create.  When my headspace is not in a creative mood I just don’t seem to be able give myself a good talking to and get on with it.  So I guess that you will have to be patient and like me, wait for my brain to be in a compliant mode.  I’ve been at home for 4 weeks now due to a combination of factors not any of them Corona Virus related.  That in itself is strange in these surreal times.  There have been some major changes here in the Moosbach Garden, some personal and many with the garden, especially how we manage and develop it.

It has been 6 full years since we arrived and in gardening terms they have been very challenging, harsh winters and then very hot, dry summers.  As you would expect, these years have been dotted with successes and failures but that as they say, is the gardeners lot.  This is the first year that we have really noticed how much some shrubs and trees have grown, perhaps we have just been too busy to notice until now or is it because we are getting better at knowing our garden and it’s limitations?

So what has changed I hear you ask?  Well out of necessity there have been some role reversals, I have had to go and get a proper job, yes I know gardening is a proper and noble occupation but sometimes you have to be sensible.  For those of you who know me, sensible is not something that I have EVER embraced.  I still believe that running through a populated area with your arms outstretched like the wings of an aeroplane is liberating (very much frowned upon in Germany).  I am 52 this year and I intend to keep doing it until I die.  Embrace my uniqueness or move on, that what I say. Who wants normal, really?

When I lived in England my occupation was Information Technology and I did this for 35 years, I never went to college but learned on the job and got by through acquiring the necessary technical skills and by being able to talk to people.  When I came to live in Germany with my Partner, I gave up the corporate life as we had a guest house and restaurant.  We have lots of land so there were no limitations on garden size and most of the locals got used to my uniqueness, there were a few raised eyebrows and muttering about he’s from England but no drama.  For the first 5 years I fitted gardening around waiting on tables and we got a reputation for having a beautiful ‘English’ garden albeit a work in progress (what garden isn’t a work in progress I ask?)  I had always gardened as a hobby in England but now I had the space and the time to really give it a go and I did.  Monty Don and all of the experts say that gardening is extremely good for life balance and it is certainly my ‘Happy Place’ and always will be.

Last year, we had to make some changes and it was decided that I should go and get myself a job.  I had always worried about getting a job in Germany as my spoken German is not good although it has improved a lot.  I once asked a male customer if he wanted a kiss when I meant to ask if he wanted a cushion for his chair, he wanted neither!

I never imagined when I left England that I would end up working in Information Technology again and initially I got a job working for a supermarket dealing with the plants and cut flowers but in the long-term it wasn’t the mental challenge that I needed.  I went to an employment agency in Offenburg (never again, please) and registered for work and in the same day was asked by a customer if I would be interested as working as an IT Manager.  It seemed too good to be true, I dropped off my Curriculum Vitae (that’s Latin you know) and thought nothing would come of it.  A week later I was asked to attend an interview with said Company and then a second interview and then got offered the job.  I started in November and admit to being rather apprehensive not having worked in Information Technology for over 6 years. One of the requirements of the job however, was to study and acquire a Microsoft qualification, an MCSA.

I realised that working full-time and studying would mean that I had no time for gardening as my employers wanted me to get the qualification as quickly as possible.  At home discussions were had, things were said and it was agreed I would have to give up my gardening duties, along with my chicken and geese duties.  My Partner was not a gardener when we met but he is a quick learner and he has had 5 years as the under gardener at the Moosbach Garden.  He has now assumed the position of head gardener, Under gardener and general dogs body.  It has to be said that he was always very good at structural things, you know cutting down trees, building walls etc but now he has good plant knowledge so he is a more rounded gardener than me.

Over the last 6 years we have become fanatical environmentalists and we don’t use any chemicals in the garden,  we apply well-rotted horse manure to everything in the Winter, mulch in Spring with bark and water with a drip-feed watering system from March to October.  We are lucky to have the space and over the last 6 years have increased the amount of fruit and vegetables that we grow here.  It has stood us in good stead for the current and horrendous corona virus pandemic and we are growing even more this year as we suspect that everything will be harder to source and therefore more expensive.

I think everybody is considering trying to grow something for the table this year and it also highlights how dependent we have become upon Supermarkets.  Maybe one of the after effects of this period of tragedy and hardship is that we will stop importing as much food and instead grow and source seasonable produce.  I think when you grow your own fruit and vegetables it can rekindle the love affair with really good food, did you know that fruit and vegetables lose 80% of their taste and goodness in the first hour after they have been harvested?  What better than to pick salad leaves, vegetables and fruit just before you are going to eat them?

We have sown seeds for all the salad, fruit and vegetables that we will be serving fresh from the garden to our overnight guests once the restrictions are lifted.  Sometimes I think that we live in a paradise with a beautiful garden, fresh organic produce from the garden and organic eggs from our happy chickens.  One of the upsides to the restrictions is that we have had much more time to get on with garden projects and I don’t think it will be long before we see the first rose, lilac and peony flowers.  Currently flowering in the garden are the viburnum Carlesii Aurora which are filling the garden with the most glorious scent which I wish I could share with you all.  For me one of the joys of gardening is the ability to share it with friends but that time will come again soon I am sure.

Today is gloriously warm and sunny and what I really want to do is go outside and get on with some gardening but I am afraid that I must study for my next exam.  I hope to see some of my local readers when we are allowed to open the garden again but in the meantime I wish you all good health and happiness.



Viburnum Carlesii Aurora